We’ve finally turned the page on 2020 and closed what has been a dark chapter for so many. I don’t think I’m alone in feeling quite hopeful this January 1st. When you close a chapter, I guess it’s normal to reflect on all that’s happened, what you want for the next and what you wish to leave behind. Here’s a few thoughts from me.
The pandemic has of course affected me a lot but I have a lot to be grateful for. I’ve been very fortunate to have a job where I easily moved my desk to my home office and just basically continued from there. I also work in an industry that, with minor adjustments of course, could continue pretty much as normal. I’ve also been very fortunate to stay healthy, and my family and friends have for the most part also made it through unscathed. For that, I am very grateful.
One thing I’ve realised lately, though, is how much I’ve closed in on myself over the last years. It’s been a gradual process over a couple of years, really, but it’s been more notable and accelerating since the pandemic began. I’ve always been very outgoing, I’ve loved posting and sharing my thoughts and nonsense on my various blogs and social media, but then I… just gradually stopped. I didn’t have time and just jammed my head and hours into the daily grind. I didn’t think I had anything interesting to say. I didn’t think anyone would be interested and felt silly for shooting darts into space.
But over the last week, a realisation has dawned on me: sharing my nonsense actually gives me inspiration and energy. If I in turn can inspire, engage and bring some sort of feeling to you as I go, great bonus! I have no influencer ambitions whatsoever, I just want to create, share and learn new things as I do. Happy to have you along for the journey!
So, 2020, I’m leaving behind the wet, grey, boring blanket of non-inspiration and 2021 and forwards, I’m going to start sharing more nonsense. Watch out world!